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Real-Time Google Map Based Platform

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Real-Time Google Map Based Platform​

Providing The Simplest Solution To Manage
Your Own Business With Ground-link

Ground-link Techologies Corp

Enabling the Ground Transportation EcoSystem with the Power of Ground-link

Ground-Link is a routing, scheduling and planning engine for Cruise lines, Airlines, Hotels and other industries that need an easy booking tool for the Luxury Ground Transportation.

Using Location Intelligence for On-Demand Booking Luxury Ground Transportation

Concierge-style tool for booking luxury transportation

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Location Inteligence - Connectivity and Beyond

The Only Transportation Suplier Integration You Will Ever Need

Luck of valuable customer data.
As third party provider process your bookings, most of your customer information remain in the hands of middlemen and doesn’t allow you to track your customers and eventually adapt their preferences.



Why Ground-Link?

Enterprise-level, user friendly backend software that works great on both desktop and mobile.